When you are satisfied with the number of names available to you can move on to the wheel wheel spin part. If you press “spin” on the spinner when the first column is empty, it will automatically reset and you will lose your choices. You can use first name as well as second name if you want, but make sure to press enter after each name as that will create a separate entry. Just write a name and press enter to continue to add names.
It comes preloaded with 7 names, but there is no limit to how many names you can put in. The first column is labeled participants. If you are eliminating choices, you can do that here, and start over with fewer names (the selected names will appear in the right column).
Simply click on wheel spin and you’ll be treated to a simple animation of the wheel spinning, it will randomly stop at a name/entry, you will see a celebratory show of balloons and cheer, and a name will appear. When you go on to you will immediately be greeted by a screen with a multi-colored graph in the middle with two columns on either side. That might be an oversimplification, but that is because it is overly simple.
It is a pie chart on a spinner with various options written on them, your answer is wherever the spinner randomly lands. The Wheel Spinner is a web-based decision-making or spin the wheel solution that serves as a random name picker.